Our Story

The beginning of an adventure

Baltibañas was born as a consequence of the deep-rooted economic crisis that we suffered in Spain some time ago. I have always been involved in the world of clothing, working for other people in the production of both national and international garments, but it was something that, personally, was not fulfilling for me.

I felt uninspired and uncreative, with a sense of suffocation and uneasiness invading me everywhere. That’s why, one day, I decided to buy my own sewing machine and started to create my first products in a first brand called Urbanitas.

In these first steps, as it usually happens with almost every project that starts, I felt how the ideas filled my mind with enthusiasm and excitement, so gradually I was creating products totally different to what I was used to seeing and most importantly, each one made by hand, having as a consequence a resounding success with the people around me.


But, it was not until the creation of this second and renewed brand created at the end of 2017, which I have called Baltibañas, where I have really felt full and fulfilled, because it is a constant brainstorming that emanates in my head every time I think about the creation of a new product, as well as how to impact even more to my customers, always trying to give the best of me and involving everyone who counts on me to wear my products.

One fact I would like to add is that my change of city was important to carry out this project, because Granada, Spain is a city that inspires me to create and in which I feel comfortable with myself.

What our customers say

Since then we have had a strong international presence on the Etsy platform, our customers support our premium products and our personal and direct customer service.


In the first months of 2021 we decided to open our own online shop to offer a better service and expand our product catalogue.

We will continue working to improve every day and to be able to offer the best quality products, because at Baltibañas Brand we believe that it is no longer just about being unique, it is about being relevant.

This is our story, which we transmit to each of our products and which we enthusiastically hope that each of our customers will find in them the same enthusiasm and determination to create their own style beyond the established conventions.

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